03 9799 2291 Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm 367-373 S Gippsland Hwy, Dandenong South VIC 3175
Pallet Racking
Specialists Since 1991
Full Service Solutions
Supply, Install and Support
Racking Audits
Racking Inspections

Pallet Racking Melbourne West Growing Business Park

Does your Business Belong to Melbourne’s west, situated in Melbourne’s epicentre for  Business growth?

Located approximately 25km from the CBD, connecting businesses for untapped growth in Melbourne’s West.

If your business is based in Melbourne West Business park and needs to increase storage capacity we can help. If you want you can arrange an onsite consultation with one of our trusted experienced sales consultants you can do that here.

Learn more about our Pallet Racking types below:

Why Pallet Racking? Pallet racking is the most widely used storage solution for palletised stock. Our wide variety of pallet racking systems provides for many versatile configurations.

Types of Pallet Racking

Selective Racking : Increase the efficiency of your storage facility in Melbourne with the highest quality selective pallet racking.

Double Deep Pallet Racking: Double deep pallet rack stores two pallets deep or four pallets deep in a double entry pallet rack.

Drive In Pallet Racking: A high density tunnel storage system with pallets located on front to rear support rails.

Push Back Racking: A high-density storage system where pallets of like product are stored two, tree or four deep on mobile carriages in a lane with a slight upward incline.

Pallet Live Storage: A high density pallet storage system using gravity for propulsion.

Mobile Pallet Racking: A very high density pallet rack storage system with immediate access to all pallets in the system.

Carton Live Storage: A high density gravity powered storage system for small to medium sized carton or binned stock.

Learn More & Contact Us

You can learn a lot more about our pallet racking by giving us a call on 03 9799 2291 or click here to read more about our pallet racking solutions.

About the author

Absolute Storage Introduction

Absolute Storage Systems Pty Ltd is Australia’s leading supplier of innovative storage systems for industrial and commercial businesses. From small office storage cabinets to huge computer-controlled storage and retrieval systems, Absolute Storage Systems has a custom solution for every business need.

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